Fitness tip of the week....

Try somethng new this week. Venture out of your box of routines and challenge your body in new ways!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Never Underestimate

First, I apologize for the lack of activity on here. My husband is trying to get a new design up and I have been waiting on that. Can't wait any long, I will continue to post on here until I get the word and instruction on the other one. Until then...

I am sure so many of you have seen the video's from Britain's Got Talent, of a Miss Susan Boyle and the winner from last season Paul Potts. I remember watching both and having the same reaction that the crowd and judges might have had. I cringed as they prepared to sing, believing they were only going to embarrass themselves. Why did I and so many think that....maybe because of they way they looked. A crooked tooth, shabby clothing, awkward behavior? They did not give off the typical "look" we have grown accustom to for the modern day artist. As I am sure many of you were, I was taken back by their performance. Almost to tears, as I watched this amazing talent spring forth flowing past their lips.

I have certainly felt like Paul Potts or Miss Susan Boyle many times. I am certainly not your skinniest trainer and could probably lean down a bit more. I am sure there have been times that other have looked at me and thought, why is she attempting this sort of career. There have been many times, last night in fact, where I arrive at the gym and as I make my way to the weights and benches I get a few sideways stares. I am usually the only female and often times, push out much more than any of the guys do as far as energy, and endurance. I always leave with a smug smile plastered on my face, because I showed the world once again that you don't have to look perfect to be amazing.

So my lesson to myself and to others...NEVER underestimate, first, your abilities and second, others abilities. You might be surprised at what you really can do when you try. You have an amazing amount of potential welled up in you, it is just a matter of believing in yourself and pushing past your own fears, apprehensions and mental road blocks. You must also never underestimate others abilities. Always give people the benefit of the doubt and believe in them. I have worked with many people over the last three years and I never cease to be amazed at what my clients can do when they are given a little nudge during our sessions. To all of my clients reading this, you are amazing, and you have way more strength, endurance, abilities, and physical gifts then you think you do. One more rep, one more set, 5 more mins, one more weight have it in you.

Believe in yourself, believe in others and then stand back and see the lid of life be removed!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

But wait, I am sick, sore or sad...

There is a large sign on one of the windows of our gym that I see every day, sometimes multiple times as I am coming in and out. It simply says, "Great bodies are not born they are forged." Those words have resonated in my mind many times, and often when I feel like skipping a day or even going easy during a workout I remind myself that truly a great body, awesome health and improved athletic performance is not the result of genetics, or wishful thinking but day in and day out sacrifice and diligence. Even those who have been blessed with incredible genetics and a natural ability to perform athletically still have to practice, sacrifice and strive.

I started a book last night called ChiRunning, in an effort get ready for marathon season and on the second page it says, "your biography will become your biology." Your daily actions and choices will result in the biology of your body. Often people will find any excuse to forgo the gym and either sleep in, watch their favorite show, or hang with friends. Over time these choices can take toll on your overall health and/or progress. You will notice it becomes easier and easier to "skip" your normal workout. Don't expect to see progress or even maintenance though when you choose this route.

Now don't get me wrong, there are days you will need to take off and times you will need to socialize instead of workout. There will be moments you want to indulge at a birthday party or celebrate an accomplishment and I encourage all of those. Just remember to bounce back, stay on the straight and narrow and use moderation. What fun is never getting to eat foods you sometimes crave, or having to work out seven days a week? There has to be a balance my friend, but remember a plate full of those choices day in and day out will result in delayed progress, weight gain, and poor athletic performance.

So when do you get to skip out on the gym? Here is a rule of thumb from Robert Mazzeo, Ph.D., a professor at the University of CO.

1. If you have the sniffles...dial down the intensity, "You have less energy when you're fighting a bug."

2. When you're congested and achy...take a day off, "Your body is already working overtime to help you recover. Overexerting yourself with exercise will just make it tougher to get better. Try yoga, walking, biking, or the elliptical."

3. *For the Ladies* If you have the worst cramps out, "Any activity that improves blood flow to the pelvic region can help ease the pain."

4. When you're up, "If you're sleep-deprived, exercise may increase the production of stress hormones that suppress your immune system. Push hard tomorrow instead."

Tip: Even when you feel like you don't have the time, energy, or stamina I dare you to start working out anyways. Take a walk around the neighborhood, turn around and drive to the gym or do a few push-ups before bed. I have never regretted working out, only those times I fell prey to my excuses.